dissabte, 16 de maig del 2015

My ENGLISH PROGRESS from 2013-2015

1.1 Compare your first written document (email to teacher) and your last composition.

Comparing to my first written post ever (email to teacher) I can see huge different between my last post which is about reddit and the first one.
I remember myself when I rote the email to teacher I didn't know exactly what to write, I just said a lot of nonsense words actually. But by practising my English blogs I have improved a lot.
The structure of reddit's post is way better than the first one and this is because all the improvement that I have done during my blogs.

1.2 Compare your first oral presentation and your final oral presentation.

My first oral presentation was about the initiation ritual of Mafia. It was my first time ever I did a presentation with prezi and in English so I did many mistakes. I remember myself being so nervous about to speak in front the class that I had to memorize the entire text because I was really bad improvising and I didn't want my mind to go blank.
The last oral presentation was about my TDR, so I didn't had to memorize anything actually, I knew everything about my project so I improvised during the presentation (a thing that I have learned during Batxillerat) and I think that I did it pretty well. Of course I did mistakes but none of them were were that bad.

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