dissabte, 9 de maig del 2015

Games of Thrones

This third trimester I saw a new series called "Games of Thrones". I started to saw it because my friends recommend it to me. I knew about this series, it is very famous, so I tried to gave it an opportunity and saw it.  At the beginning I was very aseptic, I thought it should be a typical medieval series with the classical fights etc. And one hour for each episode, a fact that it didn't give much hope with the series. But I saw it equally, and now I don't regret. Well the first episodes was quite boring but then the storyline it began to be more interesting.
The thing that I enjoy more is there isn't any main character. And that means every character can die by a fight or a conspiracy.
 When a character fights you are really afraid about it and this feeling I think it only happens in Games of Thrones.

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