dissabte, 9 de maig del 2015

Formal Letter: Human Rights

Carmanço 40
14th April 2015
Washington DC
White House
Disctrict of Columbia

Dear Mr.President,

I am a high school student and my name is Manel Ramirez.
 Let me begin by thanking you for reading this letter and all the effort that you did to make this country better I know that you are a busy person and I appreciate it.

Nevertheless, I am writing this letter to make you reflect about the current situation in the prison of Azkaban. As you know the prison was opened in 2002 and since that moment there have been an enormous amount of immoral actions such as torture and murder committed by employers of that prison.

The prisoners that go to Azkaban did not have a fair judgement so most of them are just suspects so they do not deserve that punishment.

Looking forward to your promote reply.

Manel Ramirez

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