dimarts, 17 de març del 2015

Human Rights

1. What are human rights?
Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world.
2. When and why were they created?
They were created as a result of the experience of the Second World War at 1948 to aboid another world conflict.
3. How many human rights are there?
There are 30 human right recognized for UN.
4. Which human right were you not familiar with?
Article 17: Everyone has the right to own property alone as well as in association with others.

dimecres, 11 de març del 2015

News: 2015: "Birdman" wins best picture

The oscars were celebrated two weeks ago in hollywood. Wwith Neil Patrik Harris as a host. Where the nominations for the best movie were: Birdman, American Sniper, El Gran Hotel Budapest, The imitation game and Boyhood.

Resultat d'imatges de birdmanFinally won Birdman for the best movie of the year. Birdman is about an Actor and director who is pretty old and works on the Broadway theater.

He has a lot of family problems. He has split up with the mother of his daughter, and his daughter has problems with the drugs, but, bouth work in the same theater.

Riggan Thomson the actor and director is obsesed about be famous again after the movies of Birdman.

I really like that Birdman won the oscar, I think that this movies is the best of the year. The best aspect of the movie was the work that the director did in this movie. Birdman has an awesome sequence shot which are almost of 5 minutes.

Screenplay = Guió
Stretched = presionat
Widely = Ampliament


dimarts, 10 de març del 2015


We are in JR bar in Castelló d’Empúries three fiends are having lunch.

Michael: So guys how do you find the sandwich?
Pol: Deem man, this is the best sandwich in the hood, isn’t it?
Jhonny: I don’t know mate, I think that the other nigga does it better.
Michael: well, today these sandwiches  we on the house. I have a big deal to give with you.
Jhomny: Dam men, what is the mate with the police.
Pol: how much dope were you casing when they canghr you.
Michael: No! No! The deal has nothing to do with the police
I don’t want to be a nigga anymore.
Jhonny: OMG, Are you f***k crazy? What have not aren’t you?
Pol: why do you want to be white trash?
Michael: If I wear white, my opportunity to get rich would be highest.
Pol: sur? Do you think that if you are with you will have more opportunities?
Michael: Absolut, for example few days ago, my last boss said that I bring a bad image to the corporation. And that’s pretty shitty.
Jhonny: But you didn’t so that other day an ad in in the bus sowed a black man how represent an enterprise.
Michael: yeah, but I don’t case, a part of that. I’m sure and nobody can change my mend.
Pol: but this operation is very complicated, and very expensive?
Michael: Yap but I have to dealing dope 3 or 2 months more and I have the money.

dissabte, 7 de març del 2015

News: Is cheap oil killing the planet?

The oil suffered a very high reduction of its price and such reduction has been applied since 1990.
This reduction has cause all kind of reactions in the world, like for example as it was expected the people buy more oil so they spend more. Now that the oil is cheaper a lot of people won't be interested in electric or more efficient cars and that could be a problem. In a few years the Earth will be completely out of oil and and that will happen sooner because of the cheap oil.

I have read that this reduction of oil could be and strategy of USA against Russia, because for Russia make oil is more expensive than USA so Russia could lose a lot of money.

Investment = Inversió     Taxation = Impostos            Transition = Transicció

News: Harrison Ford used experience to land unpowered plane

The famous actor Harrison Ford, known by the famous saga "Indiana Jones", has crashed  a  "Ryan ST3KR" ,which is a vintage plane, while he was flying it. The plane had a engine failure, but thanks the skill of the actor, he has been available to land it on a golf course.

635611788560703141-IMG-20150305-155654He has suffered some wounds because of the landing and he is at the moment in the hospital of Florida with his family. The doctors says that Ford has a  contusion and will be needed to be in the hospital.
This was an unexpected think to me. I hope he will recover from that accident.

News: Internet for everyone!

Mark Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, is making a new project witch is make that everybody of the world can be connected to internet. He says that only 1/3 of the people has access to internet and this has to change, there are a lot of countries that lack of internet  and this Zuckerberg's project will make the infrastructure of internet cheaper so everybody could has access to it freely.

 But, first of all they have to talk with all the companies of the world and make an agreement, which is difficult because many of them will lose a considerable mount of money.

 I think that project could be a very good idea,
but I am afraid that it could not be possible, because there are a lot of companies the would lose money and will not be agree to do it.

challenge = Rebte           power source = font d'alimentació     initiative = iniciative


ERB means "Epic Rap Battles" and It is a Youtube Channel that I have recently known and this channel has become my favourite channel by far.

ERB is a channel that its main videos are about take two historical characters and face them with a rap battles. I don't considere myself a fan of the rap, but the quality of the song that this channels makes and how well theses charecters are created, makes me be a super fan of that channel.

The video that I enjoyed more is one that makes face Mozart vs Skrillex. Theses two charecters are bouth musican, Mozart is from S.XVIII and Skrillex is a contemporany musician who is very popular.

Another think that I enjoy about this channel is that always is the people of the coments of the video who choose what charecters will be the next ones.

Breaking Bad Review

Do you like the series that have an exciting story that makes you be in front of the TV during whole the episode? Then Breaking Bad is a perfect series for you.

The serie tells the story of Walter White  , a chemistry teacher from a school in New Mexico. Afer his 50 Walter knows that has a cancer and he will probably die for it. Walter has a good family but they have a lot of debts and he knows that the will not survive without him.  So he makes a brutal change in his life and decided with the help of an old student manufacture amphetamines and make them sale.
Walter White and the student called Jesse Pinkman in my opinion are the best couple that I have ever seen in movies or serie. During the plot they face a lot of problems and saved each other more than once. Both of them have a very different personality.

So in conlusion I hope you have already saw it, or and if haven't seen it yet, make yourself a favour and what it.

dijous, 5 de març del 2015

News: Mobile World Congress

Like every year ,since 2008, at the beginning of March the Mobile World Congress comes to Barcelona which is the biggest congress in the world about mobile industry. It is there where all the companies show up their newest technology and gadgets. Normally it comes 85.000 visitors, which many of them are entrepreneurs that search finance for their projects, or are people who work mobile companies.

This year there are few companies that are presenting a new gadget, which is a virtual really headset for the mobile, this product has become very popular since Oculus Rift are developing it

I really like that congress like Mobile World Congress comes to Barcelona, I think that is a huge opportunity to promote the city and make more tourist come.

Supassing = Incomparable         display = exposar          Host = amfitrió

diumenge, 1 de març del 2015

Oral Presentation: TDR

Presentation 10%: I used a prezi to do the presentation. Actually I think we did a good prezi with a really clever structure.

Body language & eye contact 10%:  I did a good explanation of nuclear waste and I keep the eye contact with the students 

Structure 10%: How is said the structure was really good and clever 

Content 40%: The content of the prezi was very complete, I explained all about my TDR and what were the result of it.

Language 20% The language of the prezi was complete and tecnical.

Pronunciation & intonation 10% I did not bad pronunciation but I could do it better.