diumenge, 30 de novembre del 2014

News: The Force is with the new 'Star Wars' trailer

Today has revealed the new trailer of classic saga of Star Wars.That trailer has surprised everybody because in theory the trailer should be released to early next year. The trailer is not more longer than a minute and a half but is really exiting, it shows up new characters, vehicles and the legendary "Millennium Falcon" at the end of the trailer. The director of the hoped movie is J.J. Abrams, he did really good movies as Super 8, Lost, ArmageddonMission: Impossible III.

The saga Star Wars was bought by the popular company Disney two years ago with the idea of renew the saga doing a new movie and make the wish of many fans true.

As a fan of Star Wars I am afraid of that new movie of Star Wars, I think that the sage was already completed and a new movie will get the movie worse.

dissabte, 29 de novembre del 2014

News: Black Friday shopping in US marred by violence

The day before Thanksgiving,Black Friday, is the biggest shopping day of the year in the US. And one year more Black Friday make violence around the USA.
Black Friday is the day that begins the holiday shopping season in the supermarkets with important discounts. The problem of Black Friday is every year it's the same, people queuing since midnight to 4 am or 5 am only for the discounts. I think the problem is not the Black Friday, it is the people,  they are very violence and it's dangerous for other people like children. And most of this things will be thrown away, because it is not necessary.

So I think that this kind of mind should be changed, and enjoy more that we have and consume less.


dijous, 27 de novembre del 2014

Spanish PM Rajoy: Most politicians not corrupt

The Spanish prime minister, Mariano Rajoy, has exposed the in the Congress that Spain is not corrupt. An affirmation like this should be credible and normal, but Spain is different.

Mariano Rajoy announced that just the day before Ana Mato, politician of "PP", resigned after a judge said she benefited from corrupt practices allegedly involving her husband.

And this is only one case of corruption in Spain. There are a lot of politician of "PP" that had been judged by a tribunal and have been arrested. Even a princess as Cristina have been imputed. And I am sure that still there are more politicians that have not been judged because of their massive power in Spain.

Learned words: caught up = atrapats         allegedly = suposadament        suspect = sospitós 


News: Boy with air gun was shot 2 seconds after Cleveland police arrived

Yesterday  a 12 years old black boy died in Cleveland while he was shooting the people around him with a fake gun. Police came immediately and killed the boy just after they arrived. This is not the first fail that police have committed, lately police in the USA had killed many black people just for precaution when in fact a lot of them even weren't dangerous. 
These facts have made a lot of people angry and did many manifestations again that the police react different depending on the colour of skin.  

This problem persists a long time. I think that this problem began with the policy of the USA. There is a lot of liberty with guns, everybody more than 18 years old can buy a gun without any authorization, that is the cause of why people see the guns with total normality when it should be just for extreme situations.

Learned words: statement = declaració              firearm= arma de foc      pointing= apuntant 

dimarts, 25 de novembre del 2014


Last day I found a very interesting  web page. This web page is called " The Internet in real-time". The web shows you a lot of statistics about the numbers of the most important web site in Internet.

This web makes you understand who important is Internet in our society. Internet gives a lot of commodity, now if we want to know something specific about a topic, we just have to "google" it and immediately will appear a lot of information, and if you don't have enough with this, there are a lot of videos which helps you.
 Another fact that Internet give us is the easily way that we have to chat or contact with other person. Doesn't matter is this person is in the other site of the planet. I is just brilliant. 

But in the other way we have the tons of wasted time that we spent with the Socials Networks like Facebook or Twitter. 

Feel free to watch this interesting web page:

dissabte, 22 de novembre del 2014

Hotels in Space

The idea of live in the space has become more real lately. Many of important organisations and companies like NASA want to transform this idea in reality. The reason of this is because this companies have spent a lot of money and now they are running out of it. They have calculated that in 2016 they won't have enough budget to do their investigations. Of course this hotels will be just available for very rich or important persons. But I'm very exited with the idea of living in the space. I think that the most beautiful view you can see is in the in space, isn't it?

Link: Hotels in Space?

dimarts, 18 de novembre del 2014

True Detective

This summer I have seen many series. One of them is True Detective. This series is about two americans detective:
 Mary, a good detective who always tries to do his best for his family, but he makes some mistakes and disapont them. 

On the other hand we have Rust Chole (interprated by Matthew McConaughey a very good actor ), he is the best charachter I have ever seen in a series.  Rustin Cohle is a talented, Cohle is very dedicated to his work as a detective, because he can't find comfort in anything else. 

During the whole series he is always thinking about filosofical questions about death and live. One day these two decective have to resolve a case of a serial murderer who kills children and girls. During all the case they have to face many other problems that keeps the series always interesting.

dimarts, 11 de novembre del 2014

Opinion esay: Does humor play on important role in life?

It is well-known that happiness nowadays has been decreasig more and more and it seems that won't stop.
there are a lot of types of humour and different ways of having fun but all of them have one thing in common which is making people happier, and it's obious that happiness plays an important role for everyone. I can't really understand why someone wouldn't like humour, it is free, funny, helps to improve your relationships with people and even it's healthy for you.

In conclusion we need humour, it continues being part of our life to keep improving its the quality, because a life without humour doesn't deserve to be lived.

dilluns, 10 de novembre del 2014


Selectivitat are a set of exams which prepare the universities. The persons who do the exams are the students to get into an university and do a degree. The students have 2 years to prepare for the exams. The selectivitat just finished  today and the students will know their future and marks in a couple of weeks. There are a lof of degrees and options to do what do you want. Depending the degree you want to do, you need more mark or less. If a degree has a very high mark this means that they don't have enough space of the students, so they just choose the students who has more mark.